
DesignBranch works with inventors and entrepreneurs.  Ideas are developed and refined all the way to retail ready products.

product renderings: toy design

Our innovation and mechanical expertise refine our client’s concept into patent ready designs.  Technical drawings and utility descriptions eliminate the ability for market competition, allowing time to develop brand market share.

Lokks earned recognition in QVCs “The Big Find” contest, winning a coveted on-air time slot.   From over one thousand applicants, Lokks was the only children’s product to win.

toy design product

With the brand momentum, DesignBranch extended the line to include multiple looks.  All the appearances used the same mechanism tooling, minimizing the cost while expanding the line.

Our client was introduced to multiple manufacturing resources.  DesignBranch searches out the best capabilities, costing, and shipping resources for our clients needs.

toy design client needs

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